

发布时间:2022-12-20  | 浏览:





  1. mitigate: v. 减轻, 缓和. (反 enforce)

  e.g.In this work, we focus onmitigatingthis problem for a certain class of symbolic data.

  2. corroborate: v.[VN][often passive](formal)证实, 确证.

  e.g.This iscorroboratedby our experiments on real-world graph.

  3. endeavor: n./v. 努力, 尽力, 企图, 试图.

  e.g.It encourages us to continue theendeavorin applying principles mathematics and theory in successful deployment of deep learning.

  4. augment:v. 增加, 提高, 扩大. n.增加, 补充物.

  e.g.We alsoaugmentthe graph with geographic information (longitude, latitude and altitude), and GDP of the country where the airport belongs to.

  5. constitute: v.(被认为或看做)是, 被算作; 组成, 构成; (合法或正式地)成立, 设立.

  6. abide: v.接受, 遵照(规则, 决定, 劝告); 逗留, 停留.

  e.g. Training a graph classifier entails identifying whatconstitutesa class, i.e., finding properties shared by graphs in one class but not the other, and then deciding whether new graphsabideto said learned properties.

  7.entail:v.牵涉; 需要; 使必要.to involve sth that cannot be avoided.

  e.g.Due to the recursive definition of the Chebyshev polynomials, the computation of the filtergα(Δ)fgα(Δ)fentailsapplying the Laplacianrrtimes, resulting cal operator affecting only 1-hop neighbors of a vertex and inO(rn)O(rn)operations.

  8.encompass:v.包含, 包括, 涉及(大量事物); 包围, 围绕, 围住.

  e.g.This model is chosen as it is sufficiently general toencompassseveral state-of-the-art networks.

  e.g.The k-cycle detection problem entails determining if G contains a k-cycle.

  9. reveal: v. 揭示, 显示, 透露, 显出, 露出, 展示.

  10.bestow: v.将(…)给予, 授予, 献给.

  e.g.Aiming tobestowGCNs with theoretical guarantees, one promising research direction is to study graph scattering transforms (GSTs).

  11.alleviate: v.减轻, 缓和, 缓解.

  12.investigate: v.侦查(某事), 调查(某人), 研究, 调查.

  e.g.The sensitivity of pGST to random and localized noise is alsoinvestigated.

  13. fuse: v. (使)融合, 熔接, 结合; (使)熔化, (使保险丝熔断而)停止工作.

  e.g.We thenfusethe topological embeddings with the initial node features into the initial query representations using a query networkfqfqimplemented as a two-layer feed-forward neural network.

  14.magnify: v.放大, 扩大; 增强; 夸大(重要性或严重性); 夸张.

  e.g. ..., adding more layers also leads to more parameters whichmagnifythe potential of overfitting.

  15.circumvent: v. 设法回避, 规避; 绕过, 绕行.

  e.g.Tocircumventthe issue and fulfill both goals simultaneously, we can add a negative term...

